Tuesday, February 12, 2013


     Fasting for me is hard. I always fast from something that I can't do without (or think I can't do without). Coffee, sweets, shopping, pepsi and just food in general. (I like food.) January was fairly easy. No sweets and eating after dinner. I especially love chocolate and desserts! I am a woman. So it would only make sense to fast from these after the holidays.  February, well there's a tale to tell. Seems like from day one I have been getting hammered by Satan. He has been putting lies in my head . Throw in family issues and our anniversary, it was too much. Who knew the lack of my most favorite carmally smoothness topped with whip could do this. I didn't realize that I was as addicted to caramel macchiatos so much! I have been battling migraines and this one today was a doosie. I have never had so much neck pain in my life, not even during childbirth! I will continue to persevere through with prayer.
     Tonight as I was making dinner, Coleson said "Hey mom, did you know today is fat Tuesday?" I had to think for about 5 seconds and it dawned on me that tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. He then asked if they could eat all the chocolate they want? My initial answer was huge NO. But the more I thought about it, the more my brain gears started turning. At dinner, I asked the boys if they would give up candy during Lent, if I let them have all they wanted tonight. They were quick to yell YES! I may come regret it this decision! I encourage you to fast from something during these next 40 days and see how God works in your life!!