Saturday, December 24, 2011

Coleson Next step continued......

Thank you all for praying for us and Coleson when he had his expanders put in. The first encounter that morning was with our pre-op nurse. From the moment she introduced herself, I was hooked. She was so contagious!!! She had gone ahead and looked at her patients for the day and hand picked a Linus blanket just for Coleson. After introductions, she continued to say we need to get ready for fast talking and bad jokes. I laughed thinking maybe thats the way she gets people to lighten up. (I kept thinking in my head what is this chick on that shes so happy at 5am?!!!) Well, she told a bunch of bad jokes and Coleson gave her one too. As she was going through her spiel about yada, yada, yada, she glanced into my 31 bag and the first thing she noticed wasn't my muffins, or my journal, or the magazines from my kind mentor, or Coleson's homework. She REACHES in my bag and pulls out my Bible and says "Whats this?", I said, "It's my Bible". She said "I'm a Christian too, but I'm not supposed to tell you that." Wow SHOCKER, no wonder she's CONTAGIOUS!!!! I would love to get to know her better!! I know she would teach me a thing or two about not being so serious! Anyhow surgery went great and the doc was very impressed with the way everything looked just before we were discharged.
                                       I am hoping the next several months fly by. I'll leave you with a joke from my favorite-ist nurse ever.
                    Where do bumblebee's go to the bathroom?
                    At the B P station.

Coleson thought it funny!

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